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/>The Rubellite heals and strengthens us, helping us to recover those lost aspects of our nature. With its help we learn to love ourselves as we are, in our individuality and beauty.  Rubellite helps us to grow and nourish our own needs. As adults we have the ability to care for ourselves in ways we were not able to do in childhood. We can express our wishes and needs in alignment with our whole being. From that place of self-love and alignment we want to share and give to the world. The Rubellite opens us up to the abundant love that flows through us in all that we do. Our heart is open to joy and exaltation.

Venus and Mars rule the Rubellite in all their different facets. Venus is the goddess of love, harmony, and beauty. She is the muse to artists in all their endeavors. Mars is the pioneer, the warrior who is called to action. Together they help our creativity to be manifested on the earthly plane. They give us the courage and self-esteem to dare to be creative.

Venus and Mars are also eternal lovers. They help us through difficult times in our relationships. They remind us that the bond of love endures beyond all the difficulties that inevitably surface when two personalities merge. It is through our relationship with our intimate partner that we are challenged to grow and examine our behavior and our beliefs. With the solid foundation of love and friendship with our partner, we have the potential to rise out of difficult times like the Phoenix arising from the ashes.” (Taken from my book Jewelry & Gems for Self Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul)

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