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Mars the warrior and lover are in the opposing signs of Aquarius and Leo as well. The opposition in astrology is a hard aspect which carries the most exposure of the differences of the involved signs. I like to see oppositions in Synastry charts because they carry the potential of integration and acceptance of the otherness. Oppositions are exposing the problem and challenge us into finding the connecting point of oneness in the middle. Both signs have something valuable to offer in finding that place of balance in the middle.

Saturn Square Pluto

This constellation will be with us throughout the year and is the culprit for all the economical upheaval and restructuring we are facing.

Whenever Pluto is part of an astrological constellation we are confronted with a powerful, potent, extremely forceful and transforming influence. Pluto known as the God of the underworld is a very mighty God who forces us into change and deep processes of transformation. Whenever there is a connection with this culprit of death, unrest and alteration we are forced to deepen our self awareness. Unresolved issues of desire and control are exposed and without our attention could trigger strong reactions and backlash onto us.
Pluto in Capricorn is questioning the validity of hierarchy and governments and judges on the ground of what works for the majority of people. Societal Structures that won’t work for the highest good of all will not survive Pluto’s transit through Capricorn.

The movie AVATAR is showing the relentless violence of corporate greed and the extent it is willing to go and extinguish other cultures and lives for profit. The movie shows that it only takes a few who change their state of

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