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consciousness to make a difference. We all can make that difference. I loved that movie!

The exposure of the worst manipulations in power structures of all kinds, in politics, concerning our government, corporate America and the stock market; we will see more of that. This is a time of exposure of the worst and with that there is the chance to acknowledge our deficiencies, to truly change and start anew. We are living in exciting times.

In times like these it is important to keep our own balance and as an antidote to fear and anxieties we can center in our compassion and sense of oneness. When we rise in consciousness and approach life from an awareness of what we have to offer and contribute to others around us, we can make a significant difference. When we come from a place of an open and flowering heart we will feel full and abundant. If we approach life from that abundance the law of attraction will bring more of the same to us.

And you can use gemstones like Rose Quartz, Rubellite or Ruby for the heart to recover from emotional trauma and support your personal inner journey towards healing.

Rubellite Has the Frequency of Mars, Venus, Sun, and Neptune

“The Rubellite, the pink Tourmaline, represents a lover of mankind, one who loves unconditionally and teaches us self-love. Self-love is often difficult to achieve. We know our weaknesses and dark side all too well and thus we are often most unforgiving and hard on ourselves. Beginning in childhood we learn to reject and negate a large part of our nature, especially our need for love and acceptance within the family. We resign ourselves to making do without those deep needs and we give up vital parts of ourselves.

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