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that first experience.

It is not necessarily true that as a woman we marry our father or the other way round. For example I married a man who is presenting me with many structures which are familiar to me through my mother. An astrological reading can give you deep insight into your inner dynamics around love and relating and that higher awareness will make your friendships and love relationships more fulfilling for you. Most people I have met in my life have some painful or even traumatizing experiences in their childhood and in our maturation process throughout our lives we all have to deal with that to achieve lasting joy and happiness.

As humans we are on a spiritual journey of raising our awareness to higher levels of consciousness and to do that we use what ever history and conditioning we got in the best way possible. Or as my spiritual therapist once said to me: You don’t like your problems? Would you like to have a different set? It just cracked me up. I convulsed into laughter.

In Neuro Linguistic Programming we say that everybody always acts on their best choice available. So if those available choices suck we need to raise our consciousness to find a different perspective and therefore different choices. A problem is never solved on the level of the problem. It is always from a Meta level, that higher perspective we need to find so solutions can arise. Astrology is a fantastic way for you to gain that higher perspective and therefore better choices. And a personal astrological reading can open unimagined doors for you.

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