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This weeks highlights
with a Full Moon in playful Leo and the Venus Mars opposition it is an invitation to take care for your inner child and its needs as well as more awareness for your relationship dance.

Full Moon in Leo Venus Opposition Mars Sun Opposition Mars Saturn Square Pluto

Full Moon in Leo on Friday & Sun Opposition Mars
A Full Moon is always a Sun opposition Moon and this month it is happening in proximity of the Mars opposition. The Sun is shedding light onto our emotions and life force drive, our assertive nature. Leo is a fire sign where it is all about the self expression, creativity, self image, joy, play and romance. The opposing sign of Aquarius brings the qualities of the well being of the collective, the supporting qualities of friendships and connection with like minded souls to the table. The contrast between passionate intimacy and independence as well as individual desires and the collective good wants to be examined.

The sign of Leo and Aquarius both have a strong sense of individuality, need for independence and freedom in common. Both can take care for others from that place of inner strength in a higher expression of their qualities. Leo can be the gifted leader who takes charge and guides. Aquarius known as the rebel directs towards the higher vision of a society based on equality and freedom. Both signs can be very involved beyond their own ego gratification.

The Full Moon in Leo also invites the inner child to come and play more. The closeness of Mars fuels passionate emotions and desires which brings us to Venus and Mars the eternal lovers.

Venus Opposition Mars
Venus the goddess of love and harmony,

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