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unwinding the mind for it is always in a tense state under the stressful conditions of modern life. Antidotes to stress include yogic techniques like Meditation, prayer, cultivation of the Witness attitude & practice of absolute self-surrender to the Divine, which enable us to avoid a lot of unnecessary stress. Doing nothing or simply lying down is not relaxation. The muscles when stretched bring in relaxation as it frees them from the tense condition. Some of the yogic Asanas are highly effective because they can relax the muscles. There will be focal point in the body which reflects the mental tension which one finds oneself in. That focal point of mental tension should be identified and you can choose that type of yogic exercise which will relax the muscles & tendons of the specific focal point of tension in you.

A good site where you can get quality information about Holistic Medicine is

Regulation of Breath “Breathlessness is deathlessness ” averrs Yoga. Regulation of breath gives tremendous relaxation.Pranayama, without the help of a bona fide Master, can lead to serious complications. What is needed is the practice of breathing deeply ( as deeply as possible ) through both the nostrils & then slowly breathing out ( without breath retention ). This kind of regulated deep breathing can be done at any time, even in your office. Psychosomatic pain can be alleviated by these simple yogic techniques more effectively than allopathic pills or tablets. Here we employ the internal pharmacy of Skill power in lieu of the external pharmacy of Pill Power!

Vedic Holistic Medicine ( Ayurveda) gives priority to the Whole and not to the parts, contrary to

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