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will have good physique & and impressive personality. They will have happiness from mother. They will be blessed by a house and conveyances. They will have a lot of friends. They become famous amidst their circle. They become a leader amidst friends & relatives. Uncles may be favourable to them. They will have a good house with all comforts.

The Ascendant lord in the Fifth House Since the ascendant lord is in the 5th, fame will come to the native by its own. They become aggressive and belligerent. They may gain the good will of the political parties in power. It is quite likely that they will benefit from commercial & diplomatic services. They will shine in Govt Service. They will get the support of officials and seniors. They will be lucky in speculation and they know the adage ” You can’t accumulate if you don’t speculate”. If they use their intellect they can be lucky in investments. The speculative stock market has its charms for them.

The Ascendant lord in the Sixth House Since the ascendant lord is in the 6th they will be courageous and distinguished. They will be financially OK. They employ means that are not above board. There may be debts which they are capable of paying in time. They may join the armed forces and reach a high official position. They will be helped by brothers and sisters. They may be employed in the health sector. They are advised to care of their health. Enemies they will have in plenty and they have to be careful about their machinations. Their success may generate jeal- ousy amongst their enemies. They will be successful generally.

The Ascendant lord in the Seventh House Since the ascendant lord is in the 7th

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