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they may take to asceticism during the latter part of their life.

The Ascendant lord in the Tenth House Since the ascendant lord is in the 10th the native will have professional enhancement & reputation. They will enjoy parental happiness It is likely that they may feel stifled by parental authority. Ascendant lord in the 10th is excellent for fame in the professional sphere. When they show their sense of discipline and workaholism it will be appreciated by the seniors and thereby they will earn fame name and patronage. They will grow up in the right direction only. He/she will be a self made man with self made wealth. They may have income from many sources.

The Ascendant lord in the Eleventh House Since the ascendant lord is in the 11th the native will be inclined to beauty and harmony in music, art and romance. They associate freely with all, particularly with the opposite sex. They are advised to guard against marital infidelity. They will be subject to delays or difficulties in marriage. They will not experience financial difficulties. They will succeed in business and their fiscal success will be due to their elder brother. Elder sisters will also be fav- ourable to them. As far as gains are concerned they will make prof- its commensurate with their abilities.

The Ascendant lord in the Twelfth House The native has to be careful with money as he/she are likely to be a spendthrift. They have a duality or polarity in their character which they must bring into harmony. Beware of gambling. They believe in the principle that Right means for the right ends. They will fare well in education. They derive more

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