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They will have a magnetic personality & majestic appearance. They will be endowed with personal magnetism & charisma.

The Ascendant lord in the Second House Since the lord of the ascendant is in the 2nd house the native will be graced by scholarship. They will be blessed by many outstanding qualities. They will be spiritual and religious by nature. They will have a charming, magnetic personality. They will be blessed by the gift of the gab or the divine gift of articulate speech. They will impress others by eyes which are penetrating and by articulate abilities. They will have domestic happiness. They will be sweet- tongued and graceful in speech. It is said that Goddess of Speech will reside in them indicating poetic & communication abilities.

The Ascendant lord in the Third House Since the lord of the ascendant is in the 3rd house, the native’s courage will be indomitable. His/her actions may be considered unorthodox and unconventional by society. They know that character is the greatest wealth and they should not let anything mar their reputation. He/she have the potential to become a great musician. Similarly if they develop their mathematical abilities they can become great mathe- maticians. They should be careful about their health. They are able to maintain parallel interest or relationships with different individuals.

The Ascendant lord in the Fourth House Since the ascendant lord is in the 4th house the native will be born in an aristocratic family. The native will generally be good looking and ambitious. He/she will be a workaholic and prosperity is sustained by hard work. The native is well behaved in society. He/she

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