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Mind Movies – A Christian Perspective

Well if you spend any time online you will be familiar with the term “mind movie”. They have gained enormous popularity on and fall into the category of self-help resources that are somewhat of the pop psychology category.

This genre of psuedo spirituality holds the “Universe” as the responsible agent of your destiny, along the same line of thought that movie “The Secret” and the book, “Law of Attraction” also suggest. The basic premise is that whatever you put out to the universe, you will be given back due to the certain vibrations you emit.

If you emit negative vibes, then you will get a negative dose back due you according to the measure you first gave out. God is not seen as in control, but just a benign universal servant. Of course if you vibe out the correct positive vibrations and thoughts then this is what you get back, and naturally this is what everyone is interested in doing, getting the good things in life that they are pursuing.

So what could be wrong with that I hear you say? Surely God wants us to have all the good things he has created for us and so this must be a good thing, therefore mind movie must be a good thing?

Lets take a look at what the Bible says along these lines of thought and how it effects our outcomes. The first verse that springs to mind that would seem to indicate a self-fulfilling nature would have to be,

“As a man thinks so he is”, Proverbs 23:7

This verse is very profound and holds the truth in human psychology that many new age teachings have borrowed from.

In essence the body and life is guided by the thoughts that originate in our minds. All actions are preceded by thoughts. In fact even certain actions that most

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