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people would consider unconscious or subconscious, like speaking for example all involve thoughts first.

The fact that a negative thinking person is more likely to achieve negative outcomes should come as no surprise to most people of average intelligence. You think something is not going to work, and then you go about consciously and subconsciously trying to prove this, so that in the end you can say to yourself – “see I told you I couldn’t do it!”

The opposite can be true as well, a person of positive persuasion will equally pursue the actions that are going to lead to the fulfilment of what they believe to be true.

For example a person training for a fun run such as the Sydney City To Surf, who believed in their mind that they were capable of making the distance to cross the finish line at Bondi beach, is going to understand that they need to prepare for the race by doing some training.

All the while amidst the pain of those hill climbs the person is thinking about the positive result of their training, being able to finish the race in a respectable time. They see themselves achieving their goal, and so they set about to prove it to themselves. As a man thinks…

So from a psychological point of view, this foundational principle would seem to be true, but as Christian person we need to look a little closer to the pagan or occult thought behind the whole “Universe” mumbo jumbo.

God Controls the Universe Not the Other Way Round

Christians believe that God created the universe and was there before the beginning so the thought of having this created thing having a power that can be manipulated to ones own end should be somewhat concerning for the Christian person.

The Bible

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