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outcomes of patients surviving terminal illnesses. It is widely documented that the positive thinking patient does better than the ones resigned to the fact of their demise.

Now suppose we took that thought power and put it into overdrive with a mind movie, this could explain some of the amazing reports of success in relationships, business and personal development that can be found around the Internet in forums and video sharing sites.

It does get difficult for the Christian when you consider what some people are reporting their mind movies have done for them. This is where a Christian considering the practise of creating a mind movie and watching regularly either on screen or in variably in one’s mind, which where it is intended to play over and over, needs to plan carefully and prayerfully.

For the Christian creating a mind movie that rejoices in God’s goodness as an act of worship, there can be no uncertainty here of blurring the lines between what is an acceptable practise and what may be considered an occult practise.

Positive messages about our God, families, friends, goals in our ministry or business if it be to the glory of God, these could hardly be considered a false or a misleading way to conduct or control our minds. Another scripture reminds of this,

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.”, Philippians 4:8

But if we are to set up a mind movie that is attempting to take control where we know we should not be seeking it, this I believe is where we would be stepping over the line and should show restraint.

“Therefore, whether

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