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teaches us to surrender our wills to God’s will and allow him to direct our lives in the direction of making Christ Lord over all. So the notion that somehow we can override this by a mind movie, should also raise some concern. Does that mean that a Christian cannot use a mind movie to help them achieve things that otherwise would be made more difficult?

The answer to that question could lie in another area of scripture that Jesus mentions in Mark 11:223,24 “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” If you believe and do not doubt then it will be done for you.

Admittedly this verse makes a direct connection to prayer and by support of other passages in scripture we understand that this relates to the asking of God and his benevolent response and answer to our prayers. That being said, it still strikes as rather odd that Jesus would use such an example to prove this point about belief being the major contributing factor in the equation, especially when you consider that the throwing of a mountain into the sea, apart from a volcanic eruption such as Mount Krakatoa, would hardly seem to be something that would formulate part of God’s will for a Christian to be seeking.

Do Our Minds Hold an Untapped Power?

Does this passage suggest to us something more? Something that indicates a power that our minds have that is untapped? Another area of consideration would have to be the field of medicine and the effects that positive thought has on the successful

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