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important role in moving towards your own resolution of humanity’s shared existential problems.

What we need to do doing meditation?

One important thing while meditation is too keep your self concentrate on a point at tenth door of your fore-head (between eyes and little below your forehead) but not forcibly by continuously reciting words given by some true GURU (you need to find him your self) of present age. Your soul will began to shrink to this point with regular practice. This is way you will continue and you are able to see the God. Your aim should be the God not his blessing. you should love God not his blessing. Also you have to avoid- Liquor (Wine, Bear, and Drugs etc), Meat (animal flesh, fish etc), and eggs and avoid seeing all human with wrong intention. You need to love every one with good intention. This is the way you will continue and you are able to see the god. Also you have to serve around which is really in need. You should be polite to every one and never to be ego that you worship God and help its creature. In fact, there are many things you need to consider. The way to God is not easy but once to start walking on it, your life wills a lot of pleasure, calm contempt and all you can’t imagine. These are things that no one even millionaire may get doing any materialistic thing in this world. It doesn’t mean that millionaire can’t see the God. All depends upon you life style. You may live with you family doing you job or business and earning money (in good way) to lively hood of you family. All you need to do is to be simple and social and helping your around with good intention without any self motive. All this things are written in religious books of all religion around the world. I m telling

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