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organism for lower dimension or higher dimension then the dimension we are living. But as true, we cannot ignore one or two or three dimensions irrespective of living organism. May there be no organism in those dimensions but if possible then to be called something different. This is only boundary of thinking to our mind. This boundary is due to fact that our brain is also limited to three dimension.

How spirituality is it different than religion? We all have some sort of vision in mind when we talk about spirituality, but try to define it exactly, and several challenges arise. First, is spirituality a part of religion or distinct from it? Is it possible to be spiritual without being religious? Conversely, is it possible to be religious without being spiritual?

Spirituality can be either a part of a particular religion or independent of religion, in a self directed and personal inner path. As part of a larger religious journey, spirituality is usually descript and predictable, relating to one’s personal relationship to god or the divine goal. For a Christian, for example, spirituality involves developing a personal relationship and experience with Jesus Christ, likely through prayer, meditation or through selected activities (such as reading the Bible) in opposition to material gains and experiences. For the unaffiliated seeker, spirituality may be adapted and modeled after the sacred practices of a number of different religions or none at all. In either case spiritual matters are contrasted to the world of the senses and the needs of the human corporeal body and often involve an effort to reject, limit or transcend these senses and needs.

Wherever you are in your personal journey, both religion and spirituality can play an

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