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believe in Atomic orbital (for science students). But has anybody seen them. These all are theories those are from 100-200 year ago. But we do not believe on things those are part of research from many years ago. Does 100-200 year research has overlapped the research which our saints has been doing from the many ages.

It is easier to say that god and spirit doesn’t exist but it is very difficult to find clues for that. Research always takes times and this only research that every individuals have to make individually. It is not like materialistic research that if one accomplished a research other may take advantage of that. Hence, Spirituality is research that individual have to do at their own practice and effort.

In real world we can do practices In laboratories for various materialistic problems. What about the spirit. How to practice for this?

Only meditation is the way to make true practice. You should not think about what is linking between non-materialistic and materialistic world. Because these are the things that cannot be understand in this materialistic world.

Why something related to spirituality can not be felt (for normal individual) in this materialistic world?

Think about cartoon character that is living in two dimensional world only. His livelihood is only limited to this world. Does he is capable of thinking three dimension world or more. This would be very difficult for him. But we know, there exist more one dimension then in which cartoon character live. Now go more precise and think about only one dimensional world for same case. Some may argue that there are no possibilities of organism in lower dimension. But this is merely an example. This doesn’t put you in a new research of

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