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Question by Strawberry: What do you see as the relationship between spirituality and religion in your life?
I have to write a paper for a class on spirituality in the medical profession and have to interview people of different spiritual beliefs…so if someone who is not a Christian could answer this, that’d be great. (I’ve already interviewed one) These are the other questions:

Is your spirituality expressed through your religious practices? If so, how?

How do your spirituality and/or religious beliefs impact your day-to-day choices about how you live your life?

If you were in the hospital receiving nursing care, how might a nurse help you spiritually?

Best answer:

Answer by slinkies
I was baptized Lutheran, but consider myself agnostic/atheist … I don’t know if this will help, but I’ll answer your questions:

Is your spirituality expressed through your religious practices? If so, how?
-Yes, I do not go to church or pray, but I am patient with others and make it a point not mock them for their beliefs or be overtly offensive to their beliefs

How do your spirituality and/or religious beliefs impact your day-to-day choices about how you live your life?
– I try to uphold a high moral standard and be a happy, healthy person for people to be around … I hope to make a difference & show others that believing in a supernatural being or higher power is not required for someone to be a good person

If you were in the hospital receiving nursing care, how might a nurse help you spiritually?
– He/She could help by not assuming I am religious, particularly by assuming I am Christian … this puts a pressure on me to accept someone else’s beliefs at a time when I need peace, when i need to steady my mind – surgery and illness are difficult times – a lot of energy goes into trying to not break-down in front of those I care about … to add trying not to offend someone else’s beliefs just requires more energy … and what if I were Jewish or Buddhist and the nurse starts talking about Jesus? The best they can do is find out my beliefs and the beliefs of those close to me … then they can pray with them or find the appropriate clergy for them … and please, with everything already on plate if I am hospitalized, I am under enough stress, don’t try to convert me … 🙂

Add your own answer in the comments!

One Response to Q&A: What do you see as the relationship between spirituality and religion in your life?

  • Feisty says:

    I couldn’t have said it better than Slinkies! Kudos for the answers!

    To add to it, I don’t see a need for a brick and mortar structure to be a moral person. I don’t have religious practices other than to try and live a life that helps rather than hurts others. I do cringe when I hear the phrase “Christian morals” because it implies that if you don’t follow their specific creed (and that even varies between sects) than it’s impossible to live a moral life.

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