Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3)
For my money, though I like the first two Potter books, this is where Rowling struck gold. I started reading the series in late 1999 or early… Continue reading
The Mystery Unveils Behind The Half Blood Prince In The New Film Of Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince
The mesmerising and captivating world full of spells, robes, wands, witches, and wizards is about to enter your… Continue reading
Harry Potter parody.. Hagrid in a girl’s world of Hermione and Ginny.. www.wildkids.blog.cz
Video Rating: 1 / 5

we teach you simple spells that every witch or wizard should know!
Video Rating: 0 / 5
I made new spells maybe you waited for them, they are not so flashy like kamehamehas or something, but they are easy to… Continue reading