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Wicca Sabbaths


Yule is also known as the Winter Solstice, Alban Arthan, Finn’s Day, Festival of Sol, Yuletide, Great Day of the Cauldron, Mid Winter and Festival of Growth. Yule is the longest night of the year, and celebrates the rebirth of the Sun, the Sun God and honors the Horned God. It is when we celebrate the returning of light, and thank the Gods for seeing us through the longest night. This is the time when the God has reached the mid point of his journey, and our thoughts turn to the coming spring. Yule is one of the four minor Sabbats, and is traditionally celebrated on Dec 21.


Imbolc is also known as Imbolg, Oimelc, Candlemas, Feast of Brigid, Festival of Light, Candlelaria, and Anagantious. Imbolc, celebrates the banishing of Winter and welcomes the Spring. Imbolc is a time to sweep away Winter and nurture new beginnings. This Sabbat also represents spiritual growth. Imbolc is a good time to get your life in order, whether mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally. The Goddess is emerging from her sleep. Imbolc is one of the four major Sabbats and is traditionally celebrated on Feb. 2.


Oestra is also known as the Vernal or Spring Equinox, the Rites of Spring, Alban Eiber, Bacchanalia, and Eostre’s Day. Oestra, recognizes the start of Spring, and celebrates the Goddess, once again in her maiden aspect. Oestra is a time to celebrate the arrival of Spring and end of Winter. Oestra marks the day when night and day are equal and balanced. One of the 4 minor Sabbats, is traditionally celebrated between March 19th and 21st


Also known as May Eve, May Day, and Walpurgis Night. It celebrates the height of Spring and the flowering of life. Beltane, represents the divine union of the God and the Goddess. The Goddess is now in her Mother aspect, and it is from her womb that all life will Spring. It is the time when the God turns over his rule to the Goddess. The Goddess manifests herself as the May Queen and Flora. The God emerges as the May King and Jack in the Green. The danced Maypole represents Their unity, with the pole itself being the God and the ribbons that encompass it, the Goddess. Colors are the Rainbow spectrum. Beltane is a festival of flowers, fertility, sensuality, and delight. It is a time for new beginnings, traditionally it was the time when couples became promised to one another. Beltane is usually celebrated from sundown April 30th to sundown on the first of May.


Midsummer is also known as the Summer Solstice, Sun Blessing, Alban Hefin, Litha, Gathering Day, Feill-Sheathain, and Whit Sunday. This Sabbat celebrates the Goddess, she is now heavy with child, as is nature heavy with the bounty of the coming harvest. Midsummer is a time when energies abound. Midsummer is the classic time to perform magicks of all kinds. Midsummer is one of the four minor Sabbats, and is traditionally celebrated on June 21


It is also known as Lammas, Festival of Green Corn, August Eve, Elembiuos, First Harvest, and Ceresalia. Lughnasadh is the celebration of the first fruits of the harvest. The Mother now prepares to give way to her aspect as the Crone. The God figures more prominently here than the Goddess, since this is the harvest. Though she is still thanked for the bringing the fruits of harvest. Lammas honors the Grain Harvests and the Gods and Goddesses of Death and Resurrection. It is a time to reflect on the changes that have occurred, to reap from the seeds that were planted at Imbolc. It is one of the four major Sabbats, and is traditionally celebrated on Aug. 2.


Mabon is also known as the Autumn Equinox, Second Harvest, Festival of Dionysus, Cornucopia, Wine Harvest, and Alban Elfed. Mabon, is a time of balance, the days and nights are equal, giving way to increased darkness. The Goddess is entering into Cronehood and the dark year is beginning. It is the second Harvest Festival of the Witches’ calendar, and it celebrates and gives thanks for the bountiful harvest of fruit, squash, grains, and vegetables. It is one of the four minor Sabbats and is traditionally celebrated between September 20th and 23rd.


Samhain is also known as Halloween, All Hollows Eve, Day of the Dead, All Saint’s Eve, Celtic Winter, Feast of Spirits, Celtic New Year, and Samhuinn. Samhain, our time of endings and our time of beginnings. Samhain is the Witches’ New Year. It is the time when the veil between the worlds is very thin, when souls are leaving this physical plane and souls are coming back (reincarnating). Samhain is when darkness increases. It is the time when the Goddess enters her time of rest and the God holds sway on the world, and a time for letting go of the old and looking ahead to the new. It marks the end of the harvest season. Since ancient times, Pagans have paid their respects to departed loved ones, ancestors, and guides in the Spirit World at Samhain. Divination is heightened on this night. Samhain is one of the four Major Sabbats and is traditionally celebrated on Oct. 31.

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