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Question by Eddie Cacciatore, Private Eye: You ever Vision Quest during exercise?
In high heat and riding an elliptical or similar past 500 calories, have you ever Vision Quested?

I think I did today. It was a shazam moment. I am at one with the universe.

Best answer:

Answer by J.J.
No.. When I work out am I am usually fantasizing about how great my butt will look bobbing up and down in the mirror while having sex!

My butt is my own inspiration!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to You ever Vision Quest during exercise?

  • Racin says:

    Time for a cold shower now. Thanks JJ

  • KingAndrew says:

    I have to admit that J.J.’s answer is very good, although I would find it much more appealing if my wife’s sexy butt was also there. Now that would be a very erotic moment.
    But to answer your question, when I use to run marathons, I would get in a zone and not feel the pain or exhaustion. Then after the race, I would collapse and wonder why in the h*ll I put my body through that much torture, probable explains my problems today.

  • ???F™ - best viewed sideways ? says:

    I Vision Quest during sex…usually that I am on a deserted island and being pleasured by a handful of gorgeous men…and sometimes a few women.

    Oh, and yes, that is when I am in high heat as you mentioned….LOL…

  • autumn says:

    No, I do work out pretty hard sometimes, but haven’t quite gotten to that point. Sometimes I think it’s what I strive for, though. I work out to relieve stress and to feel better to work out my problems. You just had two questions with “elliptical” in them. I think I had my shazam moment – one of my goals is to purchase an elliptical within the next 3 months.

  • Michael T says:

    I get into a zone sometimes on the elliptical. The first half of my workout seems tough. Then something happens and I feel like I can go forever.


    Thanks for the visual JJ.

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