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what are the true origins of Easter?
Video Rating: 4 / 5

From the 1995 album “Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic)” Lyrics: From the land which hasn?t enter yet Into the history From the depths of swamps we are bringing Proudly our name At night, kissing the moonlight – – rebel children living in twilight Like wolves… … some named us so… Union with people from the sign Of the half-moon To crush the golden walls of Earthly heaven, To strangle the pestilence… To the lands of the mighty Empire Others even think about with fear We invaded a state with sword In our hands Roma means nothing In the land of Slavs ! Today forests sing about the legend, Long forgotten spirits Whose names nobody remembers now Waiting their day to reborn Their visions of the past Are torturing our souls Whispering in the dark… … they will come here again To reign supreme Believe my words… From unremembrance From Fire and Water From the sacred woods Ancient Wolves gather From the burnt Arkona … From the Pagan Vastlands ! Black horse rides across the sky With a sword we will open the amber gates of Nawia Dzieci Svantevitha nienawidza Chrystusa !!! Dzieci Svantevitha nienawidza boga-krzyza !!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to The Pagan Origins of… Easter

  • osummuso says:

    @EveryHumanBeing Well summarized!

  • EveryHumanBeing says:

    @Jeenyus1983 You use teh word perfect as if that word has some basis in reality… There is not a perfect known in the natural universe. Perfection is just a man made concept. BTW the earth is not a perfect sphere , it is far from being a perfect sphere. So when you make a statement make sure it is based in reality and you get your facts straight.
    All animals are intelligent and have consciousnes

  • Jeenyus1983 says:

    @EveryHumanBeing Yeah-I guess being intellegent beings with a conciousness that thrive on a perfect sphere that sits on a perfect axis and rotates around a sun that actually provides essential vitamins threw the rays…Also-if you break any material down to its smallest form will show a perfect geometrical(fingerprint of God)-But yeah-definetely no proof-it probably just happend on accident….

  • Truthseeker424 says:

    For some more truth; Watch “Paradise Destination” @ Truthseeker424… God bless!!!!

  • EveryHumanBeing says:

    @lazbo4174 “The ancients understood well how the “world worked” That is a laughable statement. The Bible, the Torah and the Koran all have verses that can only be read in a literal sense… There is no misinterpretation. Woman are treated as property like chattel, people who reject the faith are to be killed, genocide is to be perpetrated against infidel tribes.These holy books are full of Barbarism, that only an ignorant people could beleive in. These books have no place in the modern world.

  • lazbo4174 says:

    @EveryHumanBeing “Empty your programmed mind” how can you be sure that your mind has not been programmed to reject the Scripture?

    The ancients understood well how the “world worked”

    The things you state are perpetuated by a belief in Scripture are the result of misunderstanding and the misapplication of Scripture.

  • lazbo4174 says:

    @EveryHumanBeing You stated… “A relationship infers two way communication, which is not the case with a God that provides NO evidence for it’s existence let alone communication” I speak to Him every day, He always answers and in many different ways, you are of course free to question this or explain it away. Maybe if you had seen what I’ve seen you’d think differently. There is ample evidence of His existence, the intricacy of creation declares His glory.

  • EveryHumanBeing says:

    I’m not criticizing the bible, I call it how I see’s it. Empty your programmed mind and see it for what it is. A 2000+ year old book. Written by people who by no fault of their own had very little factual knowledge of how the world worked.

    I’m criticizing what people do with this book NOW. What they do with these antiquated beliefs systems. Thus perpetuating, stereotypes, Cultural wars, division, violence, death and tragedy All the while claiming to have absolute truth and knowledge.

  • EveryHumanBeing says:

    @lazbo4174 I’m not criticizing your experience, I’m generalizing it. You assume your subjective experience cannot be understood or explained by none other than yourself. As everyone does. – A belief in faith and a belief in luck are very similar. Is so and so just lucky or is God on his side? or Perhaps they Just excel that well naturally?– A relationship infers two way communication, which is not the case with a God that provides NO evidence for it’s existence let alone communication. So no.

  • lazbo4174 says:

    @EveryHumanBeing I appreciate your response but I have heard it all before. You criticise my experience and yet you have no idea what I have experienced, you compare a person’s faith in God with “carrying around a lucky rabbits foot” and yet, judging by your comments, you have never experienced the results of a faithful relationship with God.

    I have some questions…

    what motivates you to post such comments? Are you looking for a debate/argument? Are you concerned for my well being?

  • EveryHumanBeing says:

    @weiliiiiiii – Nice try with the ad homonym attack…. but fail… , I have no religious crutch, unlike you… You call it bible bashing, because your the fragile one… I call it literary criticism… of a particular myth filled with bad memes.. and lessons on how the Jewish people constantly screwed up, because they invented rules that they themselves could not follow…

    Christianity at it’s core is immoral… Like ALL religion .. It’s escapism…

    it’s bullshit

  • EveryHumanBeing says:

    @Lazbo4174 – The bible didn’t do anything for you.. your crutch, that is… a belief in an imaginary being helped you… Your imagination, a simulacrum. No more helpful than carrying around a lucky rabbits foot.

    So yes , in the end it is a bad thing…. until you learn to help yourself.

    But if your happy placing your mind in a non- reality than by all means… go with the placebo effect.

  • yabbapot says:

    I love the music!!

  • coolbeansmellon says:

    Fabulous! Thanks for this. I was feeling guilty for indulgig in eggs and fun.

  • weiliiiiiii says:

    @EveryHumanBeing No that is not a bad thing, if it helped you then do not listen to what others say if it is negative. Usually people who bash the Bible are just crying out for attention, or they have not found anything to make them happy. I mean why bash the Bible if you do not believe in in? This is a clear sign of someone crying out, also many have been conditioned to hate the Bible, their minds are weak because of being brainwashed by the new world order.

  • meak911 says:

    I hate the Europeen Church and her stupid gods and? goddesses.

  • TetsuDeinonychus says:

    Christmas and Easter both have both Christian and Pagan roots. Being neither Christian nor Pagan but having friends belonging to both of these faiths, I don’t have much of a problem with that.

    I say “Happy Easter” to anyone who celebrates it, and a happy beautiful spring day to anyone who doesn’t.

  • ikvsabre says:

    “The Bible? has helped me turn my life around. Is that a bad thing?”

    No, but the same thing could probably have been acheived without it.
    The Bible itself didn’t turn you around… YOU did. You just used the Bible as an anchor. It could have been something else.
    So I’m glad you turned your life around…. but you deserve a lot more of the credit than you think.

  • lazbo4174 says:


    The Bible has helped me turn my life around. Is that a bad thing?

  • EveryHumanBeing says:

    The Bible is bullshit too

  • shamannofthedead says:

    @NeoTheo2 who do you think owns wikipedia

  • KeeHartProductions says:

    Yeshua, whatever. It’s god and Jesus Christ to me. and What you just said, was the EXACT point I was making, if you cared to read the whole conversation. But no, you just assume you know what you’re talking about and bash me.

  • offeburger says:

    Palease,there is only one Father and he is still in Heaven,the pope is “just”a man who practice paganism in his “golden”palace [Vatican],plus he is a neo nazi come on r u really that blindfolded and the Most High’s name is YAH,not god [that’s a wrong title]even satan says he is a god,egypt had over 300 gods,so don’t put the creator in such category HalleluYAH that’s hebrew 4 praise u YAH .The bible was written in hebrew not english or latin

  • KeeHartProductions says:

    It’s okay.

  • ajacobmind says:

    sorry i misunderstood ur comment.

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