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Tarot for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Understanding & Interpreting the Tarot

Rating: (out of 8 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 16.95

Price: CDN$ 3.03

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5 Responses to Tarot for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Understanding & Interpreting the Tarot

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Tarot for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Understanding & Interpreting the Tarot
    I think this book is put together very well, and the author is obviously quite knowledgeable. The book SHOULD be a great resource… but it hasn’t really succeeded for me.
    I’m a tarot beginner, and really haven’t gotten anything out of this book that I didn’t find better, more complete, and more accessible on various web sites for free. The card interpretations are so traditional (and often very pessimistic) and so at odds with those offered by the creator of my deck, the sites I’ve browsed, and my own intuition, that trying to do readings with them just left me more confused (and unnecessarily freaked out). I’ll probably end up returning or selling my copy and trying to find something more helpful.
    I know everyone’s tarot experience is going to be different, and so I’m sure this book will help many people. I’m just not going to be one of them.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Tarot for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Understanding & Interpreting the Tarot
    I’ve purchased quite a few good books on the tarot and its definitions. This has been a very good addition]to my collection. Instead of explaining away the traditional meanings, Hollander places a bit more emphasis on his personal absolutes with the card’s meanings that includes reversals. His definitions are a bit extreme sometimes but it definitely catapults some charged essence unto the student whom is just gaineth steady ground with the card’s meanings.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Tarot for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Understanding & Interpreting the Tarot
    I have many books on tarot, this book is a great starting block. It’s easy to understand and gives very clear meanings for each of the cards. I particularely liked the fact that the major arcana has clear meanings for each card, both upright and reversed. I find some of my books just gave a general outline of the card and no clear meaning for when the card came up in a spread. Unless you have prior knowledge of tarot, this can be very frustrating. This book gives clear meanings as well as the outline for each card. I would recommend this book for anyone starting out who would like a starting block to the cards without having to be familiar with them. The writing is good and is in laments terms. Overall a great book!

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Tarot for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Understanding & Interpreting the Tarot
    This is a book for readers who do not desire to go deep into the tarot. Though it does describe each individual card, the meanings are vague and often leave you confused and wondering. This book is suited for intermidiate tarot readers with some experience. Do not buy this book as your first tarot book or you will undoubtly be left confused and kicking yourself over wasted money. The authors writing stlye is easy going and humourous but that in itself is simply not enough. A good attempt but a more thourough approach should have been taken.

  • says:

    Review by for Tarot for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Understanding & Interpreting the Tarot
    Excellence in any endeavor in life requires that one has to master the fundamentals. This book has allowed me to master the fundamentals of tarot divination and meditation. This book is the first and most important building block in my progression as a reader of tarot spreads. I never found myself asking what? huh? or what is she trying to say? I highly recommend this book to anyone just starting out or to the advanced practitioner who may need some clarification of certain issues regarding the tarot. I really enjoyed the authors views on the subjective nature of the tarot and her emphasis on the fact that there is no one single most accurate system of reading tarot spreads. A reader must continue to gather more books, cards and information in order to become more adept at reading spreads. It can be a lifelong journey that can and does pay big dividends. I have had three different readings in my life and was amazed at the insight that was communicated to me through each of the readings. I continue to add more and more cards, books and other tarot sources to my body of knowledge and hence, to my overall tarot collection. I also highly recommend “Handbook of the Tarot by Angeles Arrien.It is excellent.

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