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The FAITH: series @ WNL rolls on. Last time up we looked at what makes a Pagan a Pagan. This time around we dig a little deeper, exploring some of the major core principals that Pagans adhere to. Video 3 of 6 Filmed Wednesday January 6, 2010 Camera: Tyler Volk Edits: Brett Hetherington

Exploring world-rejecting and world-accepting religions. A process of logical elimination. Heathenry just makes sense. Part 3 of 3: Part 1: Part 2:
Video Rating: 5 / 5

25 Responses to FAITH: – What Do Pagans Believe?

  • avalonaviir says:

    As a pagan myself I find these videos of yours to be quite interesting and mostly true.

  • HergerSeamus says:

    Made perfect sense! Thanks for sharing.

  • EowynMisteryWolf says:

    I think about Christianism come the power, a important fact is because he’s become the “Religion of Imperio”. And the roman Imperio rules the most part of Europe. Soon the people change religion to be close to roman Imperio. See…the first christians are urban people who has contact and influence from Imperio. Remind that “Pagan” from Paganus (“country person”, Farmers), people in contact with nature…

    And Yeah! I don’t like the hypocritical “love others and enemys” from muders ¬¬

  • OubliantLeSang says:

    It is a good point. And not uncommon.

    I agree with you.

  • silverheron9 says:

    By the way, not only would I agree that Heathenry makes sense, but I also remind myself of how Christianity came to power – via deception, misinformation, violence and generally underhanded means. It’s a very sad thing, it’s heartbreaking, but it’s the truth. I for one just can’t be part of something like that.

    Anyone else have similar thoughts?

  • silverheron9 says:

    And yet, is not the very Ginnungagap the “deceiving emptiness” by defintion?

    And who created the Gap? Aaaaahhhhh, there’s the rub.

    Hmmmm. Possibly the beginning of some heathen theology of the order I’m starving for. I don’t see why heathens can’t have their own versions of Thomas Aquinas and whatnot…

  • DanOfTheHammer says:


  • silverheron9 says:

    OK deeply philosophical Heathen men are so hot. 😀

    I’m not entirely being sarcastic.

  • anipeura says:

    Obviously for most people the shift from being a supermarket-dependent consumer to a self-reliant farmer is a huge change and one that is /will be immensely beneficial to the earth. But even considering our ancestors in the Old Norse period, their ethos as farmers evidently led to expansion and colonization out from their native homes. How, as modern heathens, do we consider ourselves now? What 20th century augmentations should we make to our historical practices? Thoughts from everyone please.

  • anipeura says:

    The myth about the Aesir ‘defeating’ the Vanir and taking over Valhalla has always seemed to me to be emblematic of a shift in our ancient cultural history from a more -dare I say- ‘primitive’ relationship with the created world (both spiritual and in the sense of how we live with and from nature) toward a more distanced, intellectual relationship. From what I’ve learned about hunter-gatherer vs ‘farmer’ societies, hunting/gathering seems to be ultimately closer to the heart of ‘it’.

  • anipeura says:

    As well as earth-rejecting / earth-accepting as a binary opposition I’d like to discuss farmer/hunter gatherer as a binary opposition. You, Dan, (and rightly, in my opinion) stress the connection we ought to have with the created world, with mid-gard. Your point about world-rejecting religions made me think about how Judaism and Christianity are intrinsically of the ‘farmer’ ethos, so I’ve been wondering how we, as heathens, fit into that division, since historically we too are ‘farmers’.

  • dragonddff says:

    its a exstreme so ppl will find it less dificult to understand what i mean…

  • AnethSvartalf says:

    I will agree with you about shit just happening. I inite you to go ahead and watch my more recent string of videos. Having said that, I go believe there is balance but not to the extent that for every loser there is a winner and so fourth. That’s just a bit… much… for me anyway.

  • dragonddff says:

    “aneth svartalf” to answer your question…
    well i believe that all god are real even the jewish one… but i believe that they all helped creat the univers… i aslo think that these things happen so there is a balance.. that the balance is needed in order for existance to be meaning full… for every looser there is a winner, for every life that ends another begins.. and that really SHIT JUST HAPPENS… its that simple

  • Kunstdesfechtens says:

    Doesn’t bother me at all. My point is that the world is a proving ground. The gods desire comrades that are brave, self-reliant and honourable. According to the stories, even the gods fight and suffer and strive. If so, then why not us? I’m not saying suffering is fun. Look up the Nine Noble Virtues to get an idea of how Heathens tend to think of what makes a good human being. The gods never promised an easy life… but we’re usually assured and _interesting_ life if we choose it. 🙂

  • AnethSvartalf says:

    So, if I’m to understand you correctly, you equate suffering with fun?

    /hope my arguing doesn’t bother you, btw.

  • Kunstdesfechtens says:

    That would be a pretty boring universe! 🙂

  • AnethSvartalf says:

    If the universe did not contain suffering, there would be no need for virtue in the first place.

  • Kunstdesfechtens says:

    “Should” is one of those words that doesn’t really mean anything. It’s a way of saying that one would prefer things to be a certain way when they’re NOT that way, so why bother? No one consulted earthworms when birds came on the scene, so why consult humans? Besides, there’s no way one can show virtue when there’s no chance of things going very badly if we fail. That’s the point of life! Complaining that the Universe isn’t as friendly to humans as we’d like it to be is just whining, IMO. 🙂

  • AnethSvartalf says:

    Well, the humans have to live in such a universe and have less ability to traverse the tirals of said universe, so perhaps humans should have gotten a say. Assuming the universe was created, why create a universe where suffering exists?

    btw, thanks for your replies.

  • Kunstdesfechtens says:

    Why shouldn’t everything pass away? I suppose the universe isn’t perfect according to our preconceptions. But there’s also no reason for the gods to make a universe that appeals to the fancies of humanity. 🙂

  • AnethSvartalf says:

    Why then does everything passes away? Why didn’t the creators of the universe create a universe where people don’t age and then die of horrible debilitating diseases?

    Now, if I understand you correctly, and I may not, you describe things working as they do because they are just working like they are supposed to. Does that then mean that rape, murder, child abuse… puppy tossing and all that is somehow degreed to happen from on high, if even indirectly? Not trying to put words in your mouth.

  • AnethSvartalf says:

    I can believe the creative powers are juvenile enough to pull one over on us, but I’m very cynical (in the modern sense, not the philisophical sense). Being “born in sin” makes utterly no sense. It is a tool to make people feel guilty so they are more easily manipulated. Abusive people denigrate and shame those they are abusing because people with low self esteem are much easier to control.

    I’ve read and heard some about “wyrd”. I don’t understand the concept. Can you explain it to me?

  • acerking76 says:

    Thank you Dan for your gracious compliment, I am honored indeed!
    It does indeed make sence when you look at the whole picture. All pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
    Oh and anymore health warnings should be met with zealous laughter: surgeon generals warning!!


  • AnethSvartalf says:

    Thanks for this! I am very tried. Actually, I just got done reading and am going back to do a bit more before bed, but I’m too tired to forumlate a response that isn’t completely inane right now. Sorry about my bad spelling. My brain is much atm.

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