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The FAITH: series @ WNL rolls on. Last time we covered the basics that Pagans believe. This time around we are looking at the 8 major festivals that Pagans can celebrate, and perhaps a couple of smaller ones as well. Video 4 of 6 Filmed Wednesday January 6, 2010 Camera: Tyler Volk Edits: Brett Hetherington

This is an opinion video about why Pagans should live openly and not hide our beliefs. Most people fear what they don’t know; figure out what you believe in, why you believe it, and know how to talk to people about them. “Do What You Will, If It Harms None.” Hiding your faith only stifles your soul and your spirit, therefore harming you……. The WiccanTexan She has lived openly as a Pagan for over 20 years. Great Videos and Wonderful Witch Pagans and the Law – Understand your Rights By – Dana D. Eilers – Attorney and Pagan Activist Pagans and Christians – The personal spiritual experience By – Gus DiZerega, Ph. D Let your soul be free…… Blessed Be )O( * Bright Sparkling Blessings *

25 Responses to FAITH: – Do Pagans Like to Party?

  • doralman6661 says:

    i agree with everything that u said in this video

  • WaterLilyize says:

    Love you i am Wiccan my life is honestly so much happier now keep strong CharmingPixieFlora

  • northerlyartemis says:

    Hi! Just saw this and loved it. I have been a wiccan since the age of thirteen. However, I am Northern irish and live in a country where religion is a HUGE deal. I am also a teacher and a lot of schools probably wouldn’t even employ me if they knew. In addition to this, my family is catholic and would go nuts. However, you video has made me see that I have nothing to be ashamed of, I have a right to believe what I want to. Thank you!

  • PremierGeneral says:

    Great vid, you are a good looking woman and a fantastic Pagan… I am an Australian Pagan and have had very little negativity about my belief.

  • iluvmytigber says:

    @DaBlonde1019 i have always known since i was very little too, i just didnt know there were other people out there like me until this year actually. I am 16 and am also proud to be a pagan, regardless of people at school talking about burning me.
    ~)O(~ Fawn

  • iluvmytigber says:

    yeah its hard to make friends in the south, i live in south carolina and my whole school except for a few people are afraid of me, regardless of me trying to explain what it is. im so glad for youtube.
    ~)O(~ Fawn

  • Tanyia48 says:

    I see a doggie in the window behind you. He is keeping a watchful eye.

  • tmay13b says:

    what about the rede… why is everyone forgetting the rede… “by hidden quintessence we know them and will and keep and dare” keep silent, its none anyones business

  • Castielogist says:

    I go to a catholic school and I openly wear my pentacle necklace, it’s sort of funny to see people look at it like O_O. 😛

  • VivaLaVieBoheme49 says:

    i am going to make a new T-shirt
    ” I have attention deficite- OH! SHINY!” lol, love it!
    Anywho,Thanks for the advice, I will totally take it up-Aairo

  • Danboy5050 says:

    I think the wiccan people kinda give us Odinist a bad name. Most of the wiccan chicks around here are lesbians wierdos lol

  • GaleZMe says:

    School is for LEARNING. Work is for DOING WHAT YOU’RE PAID TO DO – period!
    Religion of any sort does not belong anywhere in either case.
    ANYONE who displays or advocates any sort of religious CRAP at school or at the workplace should be removed from the location and instructed that they will not be allowed back until they show up minus the icons, symbols, etc.

  • TheFaerieFox says:

    ADOS – LOL! Love it. Totally going to use it.


    live in alabama??

  • Dhesyca says:

    I love that you said, “it’s easy to say what you don’t believe” and then gave examples of how to talk about what you DO believe! Love to you.

  • DaBlonde1019 says:

    I fought my father for years. Im only 18 but I knew I was a witch in heart since I was about 12. Im a cashier, and I proudly wear my pentegram necklaces, and I have gotten quite a few customers ask me if I was proud to go to hell. The best advice I could give is know yourself. Know what you believe. Do no let other people think they can bring you down.

  • LovesToCamp35 says:

    @fervent66 I was a little scared to come out of the broom-closet myself, but I did anyway. And for the most part, I have received very positive feedback. 🙂 Blessings, and good luck!

  • fervent66 says:

    i thought about coming out also, with my beliefs in this. but, some may not handle it.

    or, may not be able to handle it at all. thats why, i just try my best not to slip up

    and let it out.

  • dragongod140 says:

    oh yeah Texas is fun……>.> /die

  • graceakaraven says:

    I live in Georgia, in an are that has a good amount of right-wing Christian folk, and have been afraid to wear a pentacle or anything. This video makes me feel so much better! thanks!

    If you don’t mind me asking? where is it that you are?? of course, you don’t have to answer.

  • cocomcloven96 says:

    once again thanks for the video and this was very informational. i just converted from christianity to paganism i feel that i am closerto be wiccan than any other categorey under paganism but belive in many goddesses and gods. blessed be

  • cocomcloven96 says:

    @CharmingPixieFlora i love what you put as an explanation for this video and feel you are right but it is dangerous for a few of us still in the broomstick closet because we can be seriously hurt but thanks for putting this video out their and coming out as a pagan. blessed be.

  • Musicallymagicgirl says:

    Because my family is so very Catholic, I am avoiding telling them of my faith for as long as possible! I started practicing Reiki and was told that was witchcraft, so I know what would happen if I said I was actually a witch lol

  • lesorciercalifornien says:

    2:10–The Wiccan “Ride”?

  • lesorciercalifornien says:

    2:10–The Wiccan “Ride”?

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