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Question by loudwalker: Why are creationists so troubled by evolution and science?
First of all, creationism and evolution are not necessarily mutually exclusive. A prime mover could have created something that evolved. Now if you are a literalist, your doomed because you believe in no dinosaurs and that the earth is a few thousand years old. But if you acknowledge science just a little, you can believe in both.

Also, if anything, science creates more questions than it answers. Science is not a threat to religion and spirituality, on the contrary, it can be argued that it bolsters the case as it creates more metaphysical and ontological questions than it answers.

Best answer:

Answer by Paien
It threatens their agenda.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

20 Responses to Why are creationists so troubled by evolution and science?

  • ooz?? ????? ??? says:

    Well the same reason they were troubled when science said the Earth wasn’t flat. That isn’t what it says in the Bible.

  • Fireball226 says:

    we get sick of hearing how satan is getting so many off track with doctrINES OF MEN… God knows more than all men!!

  • KryptonOne says:

    If a being has the power to CREATE. . why would it even need to use evolution. It should be able to make the end product outright.

    Also, a quick search online will show that the creation timeline (even if spread out over millions of years) and ordering does not work or mesh with evolution.

  • :) says:

    It’s a threat to religion because one day they may be able to prove something negatively that the Bible or any other religious “guide” says is true.

  • atheist-hole says:

    If evolution happened and humans evolved from other species then adam and eve never actually happened. If that never happened then there was no fall from grace thus mitigating the whole purpose of Jesus and without Jesus there is no christianity.

  • wordman says:

    I’m not troubled by evolution and science. I find it an interesting explanation to all that we see today. However, they do have a long way to go before they can convince creationists.

  • Cap'n Zeemboo says:

    I keep saying this, and I’m glad someone else is … it is possible to accept both creationism and evolution. The Catholic Church has managed to do both.

  • dze says:

    im not .. i pick up a discover or scientific american every chance i get … some people just want to exclude others from science if they dont hold the same views as them .. some of the greatest achievments and discoveries in science were made by people spurned by their fellow scientists for not walking on the beaten path ..

  • oldguy63 says:

    Well, something must be wrong with me, I am a creationists and a literalists and I am not troubled at all by evolution and science. And I do believe that dinosaurs existed. There are all kinds of fossils of them, why wouldn’t we believe they existed. I appreciate you admitting that if you are aliteralists you have to believe in a young earth.

  • Sentinel says:

    You cannot believe in the Creator and then decide that He did not create as complete the forms of life right up to humanity itself, this would be saying that God was untrue to His perfect creative nature, the origin of life in Genesis states that God created all things and saw that it was good.
    Evolution is the direct insult to God and His creation plan and for true Christians can only be viewed as a satanic lie.

  • Hexley says:

    Evolution killed their father… (As this father was obviously insufficiently fit to survive whatever killed him).

    Isn’t that a good enough reason to hold a grudge?

  • Jeff H says:

    Who says I’m troubled by the idea? You assume I reject common descent because of deeply held presuppostions. Did you ever consider that someone could find the evidence for common descent unconvincing?

  • Opinionated says:

    We hate to see children deceived by a theory being taught in schools exclusively.

  • C. L. Richardson says:

    Why would I be troubled by a fairy tale such as evolution? Evolution isn’t science, it’s science fiction. What’s troubling is the effect this fairy tale is having on the population. If you truly believe you’re a hairless monkey, you’re going to act like one. That’s a psychological fact.

  • John says:

    Because it upsets their belief about something that simply is not true, and their are a lot of religious fanatics out there that simply cannot entertain TRUTH.

  • Disgustin' Justin says:

    Evolution deniers usually deny evolution because they hold to every word in the Bible. They think that if part of the Bible, like Genesis, wasn’t true or wasn’t the literal truth, their entire belief system would come crashing down. I guess it’s a form of basic insecurity.

  • Mommy2Be says:

    I am a spiritual scientific person. You could consider me Christian, but I’m not religious, I have a relationship with God. I don’t cast out science, nor cast out spirituality from my life. They both belong in my life and both provide truth and meaning to life. Spirituality gives me a purpose, and science helps me to learn more about the things God created, which makes me so much more amazed how simply amazing God is. Knowing more about Gods creations through science helps us appreciate them more.

    Many Christian scientists, or scientists who believed in God in general (Whether they be Christian, Jew, ect..), like Albert Einstein, said science was their way of understanding the beauty of Gods creations. That’s a similar quote used by Einstein himself.

    The purpose of science is to question things. But one thing science does not answer is WHY we are here and what our purpose is, other than to exist, be killed off if we’re weaker, and die eventually and rot into the ground. That’s where spirituality and science make a perfect pair =) And I love science, for the record!

    Just the other day someone replied to my comment and was quite rude and basically said that they bet “my religion” taught me science was evil, or something. Stereotype!! (another flaw of people, they reject history, because it’s not always accurate. But neither is science).

    People come from both sides but don’t understand the other. Some religious people reject science because they don’t understand it and don’t want to and are lead to think it takes the glory from God away… Some scientific people, who might not know much about science at all, will reject spirituality because they’re either angry at religious people (judging a religion by the follower), or because they don’t understand it.

    It’s nice to find people who can take to both nicely, because neither should be rejected or hated in my opinion. =)

  • the only 1 hobo says:

    Im not but some really are I believe, they go not quiet hand in hand but close .Science shows some cool things just as creation does . The problem is the fact of the people that deny one or the other …there is room for both but some see no room at all ..

  • Steve says:

    Evolution is not a science. Evolution is a hypothesis that has never been proved. Evolution defies mathematical probability. Evolution defies laws of physics (second law of thermodynamics).

  • Gemma S says:

    Evolution is not just a theory. It is an observation of fact. Survival of the fittest is a theory, and can be argued. Evolution is. It can be seen taking place even now, it is the process by which bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.

    To say that evolution is an insult to G-d because it denies his ability to create completely is small minded. We are mere mortal beings operating in only 4 dimensions (3 of space and time). G-d is not bound by time. He is infinite. What seems like it takes time to us, may be instantaneous to G-d. The experience of time is relative.

    Alka Seltzer – Darwin did not come up with social darwinism – they just use his name.

    As far as Adam and Eve go…even the bible contradicts that they were the first humans. After Cain killed Able and was exiled to the land of Nod he took a wife. Where did she come from if there were no other people??? Perhaps Adam and Eve are merely symbolic of our evolution from fruit eating primates, who did not understand their own mortality, to the conscious beings that we are today. We did fall from innocence. We, symbolically, ate from the tree of knowledge and now that we understand we die, we can’t go back.

    Anyway, I personally believe in both. I believe that evolution is part of the process by which G-d creates life. I do not believe that life is possible, but that it is inevitable – built into the very fabric of the universe. So that matter may become conscious and know itself.

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