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cover all aspects of practice . . . ” (1991:137)

In Chonyid bardo one’s psychic senses are enhanced, and one acquires a certain degree of clairvoyance. The pilgrim of the bardo is somewhat aware at this stage of the surroundings related to its physical form and its newly-terminated incarnated life. The soul may hear and see its relatives and friends grieving and lamenting, but they do not perceive the astral form of its awareness-principle. The awareness-principle may or may not realize at this stage that it has permanently severed connections with its physical form. The incapability of offering comfort and solace to beloved ones at this point frustrates the soul. Bombarded by frightening sounds and coloured-lights likewise make this an exhausting period for the soul.

Sidpa Bardo, First Stage

Here, in Sidpa bardo, the lights, sounds, and images assume a sight more ghastly than the previous bardo. The psychic motion within one’s consciousness is intensified to the utmost degree and it projects out with a centrifugal force all of one’s inner negative qualities that takes on forms that corresponds to those qualities. It is in this bardo that one’s negative karmic deeds play strongly upon one’s conscience. In Sidpa, the feelings of guilt, of hatreds, greed, anger and other egoic expressions seemingly assume terrifying phantasms–demon-like, to torture one’s consciousness of all of the misqualifications of one’s personal energy. As the peaceful deities are said to emanate from the heart-center, so the terrifying images that one experiences in the bardo are said to emanate from the head-centers. One’s main objective and natural inclination at this state as in previous ones, is to escape, to flee from

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