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Nature is our teacher if only we look. The magic butterfly is a message about our ability to transform.Are you a butterfly who thinks they are still a caterpillar?

Entheogens have long been a part of Human Culture. During the latter years of civilization, mankind have since tried to block from their memories, that it was entheogens and other means of experience being their MASTER teacher, and have since tried to abolish it. Let Experience be your master teacher, and let mother earth , through the fruits of her body, facilitate that experience. ***NOTICE*** For educational Purposes only! All rights reserved to the original owners of this media.

2 Responses to Michele Knight talks Spiritual transformation- 21st Century Shaman

  • AviaVenefica says:

    thanks for this Michele…appropriate, timely. a great message. xo

  • Chelsiaxw says:

    I Love this Video and also I checked out your Channel. Very interesting! If you need any help getting this Video and your Channel exposed to where it is on top in all the searches. I found this site called tubeviews.(net) that has took my breath away. I’m working on my 4th Channel now, this one I just made. My Videos are getting so many hits now. Check it out and keep in touch.

    ps. I really liked your style of Video!

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