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See the coin fold illusion magic trick revealed in this free magic lesson video. Expert: Dave Foydel Contact: Bio: After over twelve years of honing his skills, Dave Foydel entered the world of professional magic in 1994. In addition to performing, Dave teaches the art of magic to people of all ages. Filmmaker: Christopher South
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Black Magic Spell For Everyone

Many people ask: What is Black Magic? It is defined as the belief of practices of magic that draws on assumed malevolent powers. As I have mentioned in my other articles, I usually discourage my students from engaging into these type of magic.

However, I also believe that one way to greater understanding of why I greatly discourage this is to explain it thoroughly. This type of magic is usually invoked when wishing to kill, steal, injure, cause misfortune or destruction, or for personal gain without regard to harmful consequences to others.

As a term, it is normally used by those who disapprove of its uses, commonly in a ritualistic setting; the argument of “magic having no color, and it is merely the application and use by its user,” supports the claim that not everything termed as “black magic” has malevolent intentions behind it, and some would consider it to have beneficial uses. These uses could include killing diseases or pests.

Do you believe that real black magic could help you getting what you want? Interested to do a spell on your own to attract someone you fell in love with? Or maybe you want to do a simple trick to reach your dreams? Follow these methods to enhance your skill.

1. Meditate
To become the true witch, learn to meditate. Why it must? It is because you must clear your mind from any distractions. It also helps you to stay focus on a single idea or visual image. The true spell is performed with mind. Spend at least 20 minutes daily to be focus.

2. Decide What You Want Achieve
Pick one thing at a time. Don’t choose more than one goal. It will ruin your focus. One target make you stay focus on what you eager to reach. As the witch, you’ll cast it with spraying fire, flying, or turning invisible. It eases you to obtain what you want instantly.

3. Create it The Simple
After you decided your goal, insert your target into simple phrase. Remember to begin the sentence with “I will”. Your own real black magic words is guaranteed to grab what you want right away.

4. Start to Cast it
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Visualize in your mind that bright white or golden light start entering your body from above. It’s the beginning of the process to say your charm.

5. See the Lights
As you see the light go through your body from head to toe, stay to take a deep breath. Then, speak your wish aloud. Ensure it consist of your goal. Next, modify your focus from the light to your target.

6. Emotional Touch
For obtaining successful real black magic spell, pour your emotion. Just imagine you bring your desire into your life. Shows that you are really want it. Cast it with full of emotion.

7. Thanks to The Light
After you cast your skill, don’t forget to say thank to the “light”. It helps you to achieve your goal. Then, open your eyes. Repeat it daily until you get what you want.

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