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enthusiast .

* citrine crystal finger ring, vivacious and gracious

4) Smoky Quartz (or Brown Quartz)



Smoky Quartz or Brown Quartz also known as smoky crystal and black crystal, it is radioactive and contained strong energy implicitly. Most of smoky crystals are formed in hexagonal prism shapes, and sometimes contained ice-break and clouds materials inside same as other transparent crystals. The color shades of smoky crystal are various, different from light brown or dark brown, but sometimes formed into the color of black brown that completely dark. The variety of smoky crystal’s color shade is caused by the influences of natural radiation during the crystal’s forming course.

Smoky crystal is a representative crystal for stability, wearing a smoky quartz bracelet (remember to wear on the left hand) could help you to be more steadily, solid and practical, also it could help you to control your flighty and nervous characters, making your mood field in dispassion thus to calm down your thoughts, so you can look through the complex conditions clearly and make the most efficient direct reaction and way to deal with the response.

Smoky crystal has a strong ability to regenerate, so it could shorten the time of wounds healing, at the same time smoky crystal is significant effective for absorbing negative energy (especially best for absorbing confused gas, or avoiding bad fortunes), it can enhance the function of people’s immune system, give more vigor to human cells, thus to reduce the body’s aging speed and recover the vitality of youth.

In addition, smoky crystal can improve the male’s sexual function significantly, and also

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