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in purple color for there’s a trace of Fe (iron) infiltrated in, as ferric oxide is the main cause of the color of bright purple, while light-colored amethysts are mostly be heated and transformed into yellow crystals (artificial heating is commonly while natural yellow crystal engendered by natural heating that through thousands of million years are very rare).

Amethyst crystal also has other forms, most of amethyst crystals are grown in the introversive mode, which called as amethyst crystal holes, and amethyst crystal clusters grown in extroversive mode are extremely rare (the most available crystal clusters in the market are white crystal clusters).

Amethyst crystal is on behalf of the spirituality, mentality, top-tier love, which could be presented as an engaging gift or a keepsake to admirers. As one kind of traditional amulet amethyst crystals are generally able to drive bad fortunes and bring good lucks, also to improve one’s wisdom, adjusting mood, promoting intuition, help to focus attention, enhancing memory and give people courage and strength.

The color of purple is the dominant key to right-brain world, which control one’s intuition and subconscious minds, it is particularly suitable for Aries persons to keeping amethyst, thus help to collect vigor, improving the vitality of thinking, and help people in trouble to think calmly and to face challenges offered with reality.

Amethyst crystal also is the guarding stone and birthstone of Aquarius persons.

* amethyst pendant, mysterious and noble

3) Citrine Crystal (Yellow Crystal)


Citrine crystal is known as “crystal yellow gem” in the gem

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