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Is Tarot Real And Can It Tell You About Your Life?

In the world today, we find many people interested in Tarot and fortune telling. As many people who believe that Tarot cards do work, and provide meaningful information for there lives, there are also others who say that they don’t work.

For centuries humans have sought to know what is going to happen. We know about yesterday, though maybe we have not gleaned all the necessary lessons, and tomorrow is like a dream, and it would be nice to know what is going to happen! Tarot makes this possible.

I guess it would be in order for me to tell you my position on the topic, so you understand my bias. I do believe that the Tarot works, so this article may be a bit biased on the working factor, however, I will try to provide the unbiased information, so you can make up your own mind on the subject.

For many centuries many kings and queens have used diviners to get answers to there problems. Certainly Tarot has been the most popular method of divination in most parts of the world. Though I would like to give you a look at differences between what could be termed real divination and fortunetelling. A diviner looks for insight, and gains information, whereas the term ‘fortuneteller’ though implies someone possibly being a gypsy, more often than not, is a glamorous way of making money at fairs, etc. Though some of them may actually be a diviner.

If you ask most diviners where they get the answers for there questions, you will find as much variety as the many religions of the Earth! Some people believe that the answers come from spiritual forces, god, a god, Gaia (Earth Spirit, Mother Earth), others also believe that it may come from the unconscious collective, and yet others

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