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This is the third in my series Christian Prayer vs Pagan Ritual. A Full Moon Self Blessing is to be done at or around full moon. Duh! It invokes the Mother Goddess though Christians my substitute Father for Mother. If you actually perform the ritual be sure to leave a comment as to how you felt or any changes you noticed after the ritual. If you enjoyed this video, check out my book: The Way of the Horned God.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Maureen Wheeler, a Wiccan Witch based in the Hampshire village of Wickham, explains some of the background to this tradition, and how she herself got involved. This is the first of a series of segments focussing on witchcraft so subscribe to Karisma Productions for new episodes.

19 Responses to Full Moon blessing

  • DancingRabbit52 says:

    I like doing moon rituals outside at night but you can do them inside as well. At full moon, the moon rises at sunset and sets at sunrise so it would be below the horizon or on the other side of the earth during that daytime. I suppose you could do a full moon ritual during the day but I’ve never done it that way.

  • steev75 says:

    aw thank you for sharing this ritual. its simple and easy to follow which makes it great for beginners and those who may not be able to find much time to set aside. did you say this can be done either in daytime or nightime on the full moon? i have subscribed by the way.
    blessed be )0(

  • BlackCatSanctuary says:

    Nice informative video. I like the artfully applied sepia tones, adds to the feeling of being “grounded”.

  • DancingRabbit52 says:

    No, I think intent is more important than words and the gods understand.

  • RainbowPagon1982 says:

    yeah I know I asked the God of trade Hermans to find a job for you and for the interviewer to hairer you. I kinda of was half way thouth with someone else spell and noticed it was the worng person but I then fixed it I was asking the wrong God and Also Mixed up his name a few times with the other one do you think they will be mad at me? IO ask my yes and No Board itgave m,e Maybe

  • DancingRabbit52 says:

    Thanks. I’m continually filling out online applications but the big job fair is not until 15th and 16th. It’s usually a couple weeks between first contact and an interview if it happens and a couple weeks after that before you find out your are hired or not. So, I’m not expecting to have a job tomorrow but just so long as it happens before the end of summer I’ll be happy.

  • RainbowPagon1982 says:

    vary great video 5 stars Hopfully I will get home in time to do this tongith I will have to do my blessing in doors since I live in the city and have no privet yeard. Hey I did the spell for you to find a job today tell me if you get one ok 🙂

    Bless It Be

  • princessannikki says:

    lovely!!!! <3

  • twinnumber3 says:

    Thanks you very much, DR. I will try it.

  • jillybnz2379 says:

    Hello and Merry Meet my Sister in the Craft~

    I am thrilled to have stumbled upon u here on YT!
    I am still learning all about Wicca and its many lessons and Craft.
    I would Love to be able to learn from YOU.. U are very Wise and I feel we are on the same page. I am looking more 4 spiritual knowledge and to better understand the craft. Do u do lessons here online? like through blogging or stickham? do u hold classes often? I am in the USA…Please help if u can!
    Brightest Blessings )O(

  • Nataleena07 says:

    Love. Love, Love this Vid!

  • witchami says:

    i love your altar at the being its beautiful!

  • princessannikki says:

    darn it why aint there none down south? ! 😛

  • chrisbass48 says:

    Up North !

    Tee hee

  • princessannikki says:

    I know there’s a whole bunch of Wiccans in the area, but where are the traditional/heathen Witches?

  • LoveDoujinshi says:

    She is amazing! 🙂

  • SlasherSaw says:

    Hello Dave’s mom!

  • splicer45 says:

    Hello mum!

  • Lost935 says:

    Excellent, hope to see more 🙂

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