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Okay. now, i’m sorry it took so long to redo this…i’ve been really busy with school and all. I used different colors for the information, but they’re the colors of the elements. white- Air Red- Fire light green- Earth Light blue- Water Hopefully now it is easier to Read. the information i used is from “Paganism an Introduction to Earth Centered Religions” by Joyce and River Higgenbotham. these are some basic facts, and some of the information depends on the individual or the traditions. it is not the same with everybody, and that’s fine.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

We see pagan tradition through the prism of generations of modern religious thought. Through history and prehistory, the representations of the ancient gods and traditions followed by pagans have been marred by propaganda from other religious groups eager to rein in those they defined as `wild barbarians`. In truth, the word pagan is a Roman term meaning `country folk`, and the general concept of paganism is of oneness with nature and a quest to fully understand the world around us. Though historical accounts lead us to images of stone dildo-wielding women flashing their genitals at cattle, chieftains having sex with horses before slaughtering them and whipping sessions in mixed saunas, the underlying theme is of human similarity with animals and nature. Where modern religion aims to emphasise the difference between humans and the world around us, the ancient pagan perspective is that human beings are interdependent with the world they inhabit and that sexuality is a powerful and natural element in the success of a people.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

40 Responses to Facts about Paganism

  • PoohBearAttack says:

    i would really love to see how many of the people who critisize paganism actually took the time out to study it and truly see what it is. ONLY then would they would have the right to TRY(and fail) to find wrong in this beautiful, nature loving religion

  • OukaHimura123 says:

    @TheAdh101 and before it was known as halloween it was all hallows even and the Celtic holiday Samhain, which is the pagan new year, and means the end of summer, and the harvest.

  • 33sword says:

    The four angels in REVALATIONS 7 are holding the winds and they are about to let them go.

  • OukaHimura123 says:

    @cigarafi thank you but i’m quite content with my choice here. i do not fear some high class egotistical demon, and i certainly do not follow him.

    brightest blessings

  • cigarafi says:

    careful…’re dabbling in serious stuff, opening yourself up to all the forces of evil to rein in your life. Satan is real and is so cleaver to trick you into thinking otherwise. Only one name makes evil quiver and that’s the name of JESUS! Laugh all you want , if I am wrong,….you have nothing to lose,….BUT if your wrong,…you have everything to lose including the eternal life you are promised if your choices are right here on earth. Your given a choice here. Choose wise!

  • TheAdh101 says:

    @OnTheJourneyHome0 since when is halloween conected with christianity? america barrowed the concept from mexico! THE DAY OF THE DEAD easter egg hunting isnt part of the christian religion.I beg you to find some evidence in the bible.just because we celebate christmas in dec. doesnt mean that we are mixed with paganism. the only other bullcrap theory is that we moved the date to cover up one of your holidays.please dont equate christianity with a anything u want to believe goes kind of religion.

  • Jburdo4680 says:

    Where can I find the image at 2:43?
    Does anyone know?
    adidas4680 YIM

  • BostonCrum says:

    @wartmcbeighn ……….The biggest cult in the world $cientology has the largest tax exempt status here because of bribery and lying.

    That was a stupid statement.

  • SkallagrimNilsson says:

    Yes, I am talking about modern Paganism, otherwise it would not make much sense to use the term ‘Paganism’ at all. I would have referred to a particular religion in that case.

  • LordNazgulKing says:

    @SkallagrimNilsson Actually, it’s well account that Pagans in ancient Britain would sacrifice animals to oak trees which they saw as Gods, or Protectors. But I’ll assume you’re talking about all this modern day Paganism nonsense.

  • LordNazgulKing says:

    I find it funny how these so called Pagans are American, anime loving, basement dwelling, teenagers who listen to rock music. Paganism never had a set of rules, or Gods, it was just a term for the beliefs of people in Europe before Christianity. Paganism is NOT a religion. It’s an old belief that’s turned into a modern day trend, along with vampires and werewolves (e.g. Twilight)

  • kurisu7885 says:


    The religions seeking peace, of course, some of the people following more mainstream religions however….

  • Bitalontari says:

    @christiankirsch hmm i see i left christianity for paganism too .. why
    because i see paganism is true and its all about that there are limits unreached
    in paganism so its also knowledge for ever. but we must keep balance , what i see
    is there is a god comming he is the one that is the highest from all others and the goverment knows it very wel. its not far away and you will know it tooo

  • Bitalontari says:

    all pagans look good for your god because they want to carrie your god away from you

  • TheCaptainLulz says:

    @OukaHimura123 Well said. In the OT he was lucifer, and as shown in job wasn’t all that separated from god. The jews are far more reticent about talking about anything to do with death. If your average christian knew 1/1000th of the history of their faith, they would be bust reading instead of preaching.

  • BeastBoiE says:

    what is this beautiful song

  • christiankirsch says:

    I only recently left Christianity for Paganism. Which branch or any for that matter I’ve yet to decide. However what I can tell you since i have a fresh outlook is that ALL religions have good and bad people. There are people who cause problems for Christians as well as Pagans. It’s all about Balance. I don’t think any ONE religion is correct. I think that as long as you are a GOOD and Moral person to a point, then you are rewarded. (Karma, reincarnating to a better status, heaven)

  • DeathTollRec says:

    Song name?

  • dglshenry4 says:

    Stop the persecution of people accused of witchcraft in Africa.

  • SkallagrimNilsson says:

    (Neo)-Paganism, despite all its diverse forms, can definitely be seen as one of the most positive, tolerant, and non-aggressive religions. The general message is so much more respectful and humanistic than that of Abrahamic religions. It’s also among the few that have a lot of respect for animals, rather than regarding them as inferior servants to man.

    Of course in the ends it’s not the belief system itself that counts but what the individual makes of it.

  • Kayleahful says:

    Satan was just an image to fit the society as a mind control, or guilt triping ppl into beLIEving (lol) something that most likly didn’t even exist.
    Chrisitanity is just a plagerized knock off of Paganism and Early mythology.

  • emofelix23 says:

    @wartmcbeighn Most Wiccans believe its not there religion that was worship like it is in the modern since. We say that we worship the way our ancestors did which is why most people chose European gods. Harm none do as ye will was adopted from Celtic origins. In Egypt and Greece there were cults that focused on the female aspect like the cult of Isis or the cult of Hecate.

  • OnTheJourneyHome0 says:

    @wartmcbeighn I hope you realize that Paganism was the first religion so how can we borrow from other religions if we came first?

  • OukaHimura123 says:

    @OnTheJourneyHome0 he was created by early Hebrew though, he just didn’t have a distinct appearance at the time nor was he the “embodiment of evil”. though i do agree, Early Christians gave him that appearance at the time for that reason ^_^

  • OnTheJourneyHome0 says:

    @raveingdeath may the Goddess watch over and protect you.

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