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deity above the world, producing variable immediately, hierarchically superior to the commands generated by positive law. Therefore tends not to allow the codification of natural law, amounting to the category of Justice, while allowing the encoding of positive law as the best legislative practice. CICERO Therefore a compiler is considered authentic: it was able to absorb the methods, both of Plato, Aristotle, that are approaching, now turns away, critically and independently.

His concept of Justice was the first to guarantee the stability of a specific commitment that state, along with equity, were treated as universal principles of the Democratic Justice, and considered the current circumstances.

The economic model of Rome, which flourished with the war and the looting of the people governed, was the deep indignation of Cicero!

Furthermore, the administration of public affairs is an integral part of his concept of Justice.

The study of law is inherent in the exercise of the public:

Well, as the farmer knows the nature of the soil and as a writer knows the writing, both in its scientific aspect, the profit before pleasure, so the man of State may consider the right to know the laws, drinking their own sources, provided that their answers, writing and reading assistance directly administer the republic. Certainly, one must know the law, without whose knowledge can not be fair.

Again, if you configure the profile of the governor, who join these studies suggests that exercise of their profession, from them, which can be useful and not separate from the true path it has. The true path is the reason why CICERO defined as the ability to enter into the

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