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Aristotle, with its support in formal logic). The Romans systematic combination and methods for the improvement of new techniques of preparation of laws, codes necessary to accentuate the trend towards phasing out the lay of the interpretation and enforcement. Both methods have evolved, some have argued that natural law as the limit of positive law. The result was the improvement of justice, divided, finally, between natural law and juspositivismo, such as permanent objects for the study of a jusfilosofia.

Cicero was a representative of the Philosophy of Law and State in Rome, especially his work with the Public Re and a citizen who has held various public offices. Unlike Aristotle, Cicero showed not only the rational basis of corrective justice, as developed empirically (almost all), trying to fit when the rights of citizens against the state, developing a theory of justice .

Cicero defends the right of the line, the words he used to confirm the importance of values outside the legal system, but that full binding, addressing, in this singular point, much of Aristotle than to Plato:

The main argument of the line in the Roman phase, changes are to be Aristotle with Cicero, a pure expression of natural law so metaphysical reason, which joins the state and individuals to non-derogable principles. It is a defense that you cannot legislate or enforce the law outside the natural law principles, under penalty of injustice. The relationship line is therefore a high principle of justice is no longer regarded only as moral excellence (as in the Nicomachean Ethics).

The reason flies like nature, written in every heart, immutable, eternal, whose voice teaches and prescribes the law, which

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