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he has to live. He finds himself on a planet where conditions of survival are fully provided for him, air, soil, water, atmospheric pressure, the sun, food. He is but one manifestations of life. He discovers his relatively short existence (estimated at 8-9 millions of years) compared to the age of the universe (estimated at 13.3-20 billion light years)

 Confronting the universe an inevitable constant obligation where man has no choice but to survive, discovery and knowing.  Endowed with the mind (a mysterious organ mad up of 80-120 billion neurons) in which man has no role in bringing about, nor in its development nor in its form, structure and function. Facing the universe he confronts an unfathomable enigma of one hundred billion galaxies and one hundred billion stars in each galaxy. He has no idea of the origin neither of the universe nor in his own origin, neither in his presence nor in his destination.

 Facing such an already finished work, and in order to explain it, emerges the idea of a creator-cause, or many.

 If order and organization in the universe are admitted then man demands where do these come from? And who has the commanding control?

The presence of the universe and life impose the question of causality and creation as well as planning and order. How did the universe come about, in such an infinite precision and infinite features? If matter is composing the universe (whether solid, or energy, white or black) then what is matter?

Where did matter come from and how did it come about in its present shape? Why should man exist and what for he has confront the universe? It is very difficult to tell, if not impossible, at the present time. Is there a creating force? Or is the universe eternal,

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