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he plays no role in bringing about the universe neither in his own being.

He is simply forced to exist.

He has no idea where did he come from, what is he doing

In this world and where is he going to.

 He is made up of precise systems constituting the totality of his physical, mental, psychological and spiritual (for some) being.

He has no choice in being what he is, neither in choosing his life-cycle nor in choosing the world he is in. No one asks him his opinion, whether he would like to be or not. Nobody gives him a choice in coming into this world, having a certain form and a fixed duration of time. No one asks him whether he would like to go through the process of aging or not. He cannot possibly stop his development or the process of aging. From the first cell to his form of man adult and mature, he simply has to submit himself to the program, whether he likes it or not. Finally, when death comes, he is forced to exit. Nobody asks him whether he would like to stay in this world or not. No one asks him whether he would like to die or not.

He seems to have a programmed destiny without the least role or choice in his existence.

He has no guarantee of security for his life or for his death.

 What is even more astonishing, he does not have the least idea of who he is. A being among other beings (two million living species); a dimension of matter in time. Neither matter nor time is identified scientifically or otherwise. He is made up, like every other object-phenomenon of atoms, neutrons, protons, quarks, strings and the chain might be endless. These elements are put together to form every object constituting the universe.

 He finds himself constantly confronting the universe where

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