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Question by Smote: Atheists: Do you believe in spirituality, spiritual healing, karmic balance or anything like that?

Best answer:

Answer by TEH TYME KITTEH ~pantheist~
No to some and Yes to some, Spirituality has nothing to do with healing or Karma, but I do believe in the balance necessary in nature.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

22 Responses to Atheists: Do you believe in spirituality, spiritual healing, karmic balance or anything like that?

  • Rod says:

    I believe in that for which there is evidence.

  • Vampurr Kittah says:


  • accretion says:

    inner alchemy could be for real
    but I am way too lazy and it is hard
    but I open to it as I have read many books
    about this subject and the power of Chi

  • Anonymous says:

    Spiritual healing in the sense that positive thinking can be benaficial

  • whitelightning5 says:

    Some atheists are spiritual, others are not.

    I’m somewhat spiritual. I believe in ghosts and I believe in the possibility of an afterlife. I just don’t think there’s a god controlling all of it.

  • Jam says:

    spirituality, yes, look at carl sagan

    spiritual healing as in homeopathy, no

    and I dont know what karmic balance is

  • RONNIE says:

    not one bit.they are all confidence tricksters.

  • Question Everything™ says:

    None of it.

  • SomeGuy says:

    I’m more into sex, drugs and rock and roll.

    If I get really sick though, I’ll come to a religious person for some faith healing.

  • Munch - is loving this stick says:

    I’ll give it a fair listen but I won’t adopt it.

  • ?C??????? [???? ????¢ ???? ????] says:

    Define “spirituality”.

    ..As for spiritual healing:
    I think the placebo effect might sometimes make it seem like it works.
    But not *actual* spiritual healing, no.

    And I don’t believe in karmic balance, nope.
    Basically I see no reason to believe in anything supernatural, period.

  • Invisible Talker says:

    Why would I believe in something which not only has zero supportive evidence, but doesn’t even have a clear concept of itself?

  • toogethr says:

    My definition of ‘spiritual’ is that which has to do with the spirit – spirit meaning the non-physical aspect of a person: their thoughts, their imagination, their feelings, desires, emotions, dreams, character, personality, memories etc – none of these things are physical, yet we all experience them.

    Spiritual healing is simply using your emotions and will to keep a positive attitude toward health – nothing magical or supernatural about that.

    Karma? dubious

  • Alicorna says:

    Yes, yes, & yes.

    Best bumper sicker ever: My Karma ran over your Dogma

  • Warbunny: the Revenge says:

    Yes. I believe other people believe them, so they exist, at least as beliefs. Believe in something with enough belief, and the belief can manifest itself as something other than mere belief. I believe that belief can lead to the belief that belief itself enough to cause belief in others. Ummm…belief! Sorry, I just wanted to see if I could use the word “belief” or its variable, “believe,” as many times in such a short span as Obama uses the word “unprecedented.” Was I successful?

  • Matt says:

    yes, no, and no

  • Dustin M says:

    Personally, no not really. Not unless you play with the definitions of each in some way.

    Also, I think spiritual healing works better than nothing simply because of the placebo effect.

  • D says:

    why would we believe in something that has zero evidence and has never shown to actually work?

  • jl says:

    I believe that you can control your physical well being to a degree with a good state of mind. I don’t know if any the things you mentioned fall into that category.

    I’ve seen people who want to get better recover much quicker than ones that get depressed about their illness.

  • Eye of Mars says:

    Not really. None of those things (say spirit healing, for example) have been proven beyond doubt to actually work beyond a placebo effect, so it’s hard for me to really throw my support behind it. As for karma, well, you see plenty of bad things happen to good people while bad people manage to get away with being douche-canoes, so… no, don’t really believe in that either.

    What I believe in are things that have proven to be effective. I believe in things that *work*.

  • Kirby says:

    No, no, no and….no. I do not believe there are any supernatural forces at work. They don’t heal, they don’t keep a balance, they don’t exist. I don’t believe in the paranormal at all. That is why there are TONS of paranormal investigators who can claim decades of experience, but not one that can prove anything.

  • Jesus of Nazers says:

    I think those things are mostly false. Karmic balance can happen in obvious examples like if you are good to your friends, they will be good to you, but there is no magic involved.

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