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Ancient world of fertility, sacred sex , and religion. Pagan cults saw ‘ spiritual purity ‘ essential in the form of celibacy. Plato in his philosophies had also contributed to pagan ideology of celibacy in ‘ ritual purity ‘ , he vented his apathy towards sexual desire by comparing it to the ‘ rompings of a hot – blooded horse ‘. Eusebius called the marital way a ‘secondary grade of piety ‘ & considered it fit only for the profane christian. In the case of Thomas Aquinas: ‘ Man cannot live without spiritual joy, therefore when he is deprived of true spiritual joys it is neccesary that he become addicted to carnal pleasures ‘. The Roman Catholic Church that Constantine formed did charge prostitutes a ‘ tax ‘ from thier shady dealings with men as early as the 12th century. London was riddled with ‘ stew houses ‘ for a few centuries. A poem that was cited by ‘ Volitare ‘ uncle to the Marquis De Sade, to whom the Abbe De Sade ran a brothel, kept a mistress himself & was guilty of debauching his nephew the ‘ Marquis De Sade ‘ : Poem ‘ However much a priest you are, o sir, you will continue to love. That is your true ministry, Be you Bishop or the Holy Father, you will love, you will seduce, And you’ll equally succeed in the church & cythera. Cythera was also known as ‘ Aphrodite ‘. The Marquis is noted for his writings ‘ 120 days in sodom ‘ he was institutionalised by the church, considered stark raving mad. It was this Marquis that gave birth to the word ‘ Sadism
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