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Everyone wants to know how you can make your spells work. Sometimes the results are out of our control but there are things you can do to give you a better chance for success. Hopefully these three tips will help you like they’ve helped me out. Let me know if you have any questions.

11 Responses to #29 – 3 Tips to Make Your Spells More Effective

  • BrightBeginnings77 says:

    Well said, I’ve just started realizing this. I thought that it was all in my mind but you’ve just confirmed it that I’m on the right path after all. Thank you for making this video, it has helped me a lot. Blessings.

  • MFNahh says:

    Really interesting video and good advice! :]

  • ShayWitch says:

    i loved your art is magick metaphore…it really is, an art…

    Some view magick and the ability to work magick as a sense, like sight, hearing, touch etc, thinking about this concept, their are some who are born blind, deaf, etc, so it made me wonder if one can be born with an incapability to work magick, to connect to that place inside themself? its an interesting thought…i dont think i agree with it <----- but its an interesting theory... lol to your balloon 🙂 xx

  • crystalheart9 says:

    Wonderful information on spells, thanks:)

  • sunshineHorror says:

    i agree with you. really well said. i always believe in what i do

  • kwsmoot3915 says:

    @Balogum7 the hindu God Shiva

  • Balogum7 says:

    Perfect my Brotha!!!! Who is that at the end of the video?

  • r0ck5tarrM says:

    I agree! Good job! :3

  • Krazyboytx says:!!!!

  • Magick51 says:

    Great Video! I agree with what you’ve just said. Blessed Be!

  • Wiccagem says:

    Agree!! lol

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