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will be a key lesson to be mastered. Pure Raw Sex (artistic creative force) incredulously strong. In other words, it’s not your fault you have so much charisma!

February: Extensive Travel {literal, figurative, and astral} is noted; inability to remain still; excessive nervous energy. Undisclosed secrets, unexpected endings to be wrestled with on a continual basis. People will try to pin you down; no such luck. Nobody better make the erroneous mistake to try to force you to do anything!

March Music takes unprecedented priority. Getting over amorous guilt complexes Learn how to say forcibly,”Your words are insignificant to me.” Unless you involve music in some significant way, you are numbed into oblivion.

April Impetuosity will prove to be an unreliable bridge. Remove the need to govern the actions of others and you will set you free to do your own thing. The love dance with jealousy cripples your feet.

May Loaded {D’s} Incomparable liaisons dealing with divorce, departure, drinking, debt, diet, drugs, driving and detention.

June Commitment the inability to make and keep it will plague and haunt you. Undercurrent of unidentifiable suffocation arises when the promise of the forever and forever pledge comes to surface. School is paramount to reduce tension.

July Cold Hard Indifferent stubborn resistant Attitudes. Not a friendly or warm personality. Difficult to get close to. {Incapable of seeing the real face; too sensitive.) Use humor: Your innate gift. Pain is necessary to dissolve superiority complexes. Relax. Be natural.

August Voices Undiluted Psychic Energy!

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