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Mythology is, in other words, nothing but the representation of Astronomical truths. As per the Vedic Code, the function of Epic and Mythology is to adumbrate philosophic verities!

The Ursa Major Cycle

The first astronomical calender was erected by the Vedic Emperor Vaivaswatha Manu ( circa 8576 A D ). It was based on the Ursa Major Cycle. The constellation of Ursa Major ( Sapta Rishies or the Seven Seers), stays in a constellation for 100 years and to make a retrograde circuit of the Zodiac ( as the Zodiac is tenanted by 27 constellations), it takes 2700 years. All Vedic Mythology is based on these astronomical calculations. Prof. Drayson says in his “Asiatic Researches ” that ” the Vedists thought proper to connect their Mythology with an astronomical period of a strange nature. It is that of the Seven Rishies ( Seers ), moving along the Zodiac in retrograde motion & taking 2700 years to complete one circuit”. Ursa Major, the Great Bear,was in Regulus ( Magha ) at the start of the Mahabharatha War !

Astrology as related to Yoga.

Yoga has been defined as the Art of Conscious Self finding. “The aim of the Integral Yoga “, said Aurobindo,” is to know & deal with the secret forces which determine our destiny “.

“Life, not a remotely silent or a highly ecstatic uplifted beyond, Life alone is the field of our Yoga”, spake the Master.

The barriers on the path of a spiritual aspirant are the ” hostile forces” in Man – namely, lust,anger,pride,avarice, attachment, sloth & covetousness, which lie in the subconscient ( subconscious mind).

Man houses dangerous forces in his house

The Titan, the Fury and

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