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The Secrets Of Casting Druid Spells

The Druids are believed to be an intellectual class of philosophers, educators, seers, astronomers and astrologers who lived in the 2nd century BC. The term “Druid” means “an oak tree of knowledge”. “Drus” is the Greek word for an oak and “vida” which is the Sanskrit term for knowledge. Some insist that the term “id” means the One. Hence Druid became the name given to learned men and women of that era. Women and Men had the same status as knowledgeable people of that era.

The Roman writer Pliny the Elder in his book “Naturalis Historia” mentions that the druids performed religious rites with oak leaves and mistletoe. Some people believe that the Druids were pre-Celtic inhabitants of Britain and may have ancestors who were instrumental in creating the ancient stone circles similar to Stonehenge.

Celtic society is assumed to have appeared in Britain around the second millennium BC. They celebrated lunar and solar cycles and built shrines to unify the people. The Druids were the priests whose paramount authority preserved culture and laws as well as scholarship and science among the Celtic tribes.

The prominent writers of that time including the Indian Brahmins, The Pythagoreans and Chaldean Astronomers of Babylon probably contributed to the vast knowledge that the Druids were known to have. They spread the doctrine of the soul’s immortality, reincarnation and karma as well as the movement of the stars and the size of the earth.

They were considered polytheists who worshipped nature, the sun, the moon and the stars. Fire was regarded as a divine symbol. Their calendar year was marked by the lunar, solar, agriculture and herding cycles. The four holidays were Imbolc

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