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by Zero-X

The Marvel of Rome

People from all around the world visit Rome every year. Tourists, art lovers, historians, and pilgrims flock to this magnificent city to see all they can see while touring the capital of Italy that has a history that spans 2500 years.

Throughout Rome, visitors embrace the ruins and remains of the powerful Roman Empire that now lies among the heart of a metropolitan city. Renaissance churches, ancient ruins, palaces, and pagan temples dot the entire area of the eternal city. Rome is also home to Vatican City, the residence of the Pope and Saint Peter’s Basilica that draws Roman Catholics from around the world.

Rome is home on the Tiber River in the west central portion of Italy about 15 miles from the Tyrrhenian Sea where the ancient port of Ostia once stood. Rome is found on the coastal lowland that was formed from volcanic rocks and clays. On the eastern side of Rome are the Apennine Mountains, towards the southeast is the Alban Hills, to the east is the Prenestine Hills, to the northeast are the Sabine Hills, and to the northwest are the Sabatini Hills.

The Tiber River joins the Aniene Rive on the northern side of Rome and is a picturesque site to see and embrace considering the many conquerors that have explored the same area.

For visitors, Rome has a climate that is moderate with mild rainy winters and hot dry summers. Many people enjoy the open-air museum that is what makes Rome so popular. No matter where you turn, you can find a piece of history along with many modern activities blending into a unique and exciting vacation that not be

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