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into better thoughts and feelings.

Moon in Scorpio
With this Moon position we will have a tendency to see things black or white, look into the world through glasses of duality, extremes and polarities. We want to have things our way and need to be in control of others around us. We tend to be controlling, manipulating, and openly pushy or whatever it takes to get what we think is right. This is not a Moon position of compromise and interest for the other person’s position. This is often a time of passionate and righteous action.

But experienced with awareness it can be an initiation and door way into a whole new level of being. If we allow ourselves to see the dark shadowy parts in us where we just care for ourselves and our own well being, we can acknowledge and embrace those rejected parts and become conscious of them. Then there is a good chance for us to channel those darker energies in an appropriate way for our own benefit and for the others in our life as well.

We live in a world of polarity and opposites like light and dark, day and night, life and death. The yin yang symbol is showing us how the light and the dark shape the whole circle balancing each other. The two sides of the yin yang can never be separated from each other, they coexist. Let us have a deeper look at the qualities of Scorpio.

The Sign of Scorpio: Phoenix Rising from the Ashes   (October 23 to November 22)

Scorpio Has Depth and Charisma
Scorpio is a feminine water sign ruled by Pluto who governs the 8th House, Death & Regeneration. Scorpios are powerful, intense, complex people with a touch of the dark side. The energy of Scorpio is symbolized in the stinging tail

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