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Semblant Business for Future Business

If your photo does not look pretty as you hope, may need to touch Qbonk. Business lifestyle is a promising business. One part of the business is a lifestyle image. 
How not promising, if almost every one, must have more than one photo. Either stored in hidden fold wallet, installed in the house walls, or stored neatly in a photo album. 
Moreover, the young metropolis of the city. The very large and have many needs for budget lifestyle. This is the market targeted by Qbonk as target customers. As presented by Veronika Lea, owner Qbonk.Com the manager at once. 
According to Lea, the young people will never stop or subside. In addition, ideas also inspired from the flare of  photo box entrance in mall. Many ABG (Teenagers), a common for teenagers who willingly queued to style and pose for photos in the photo IM box. 
In order to approach the youth, Lea in the plan this year will open outlets in shopping malls. Mal selected as a public space visited by many young people. 

MTV Takes woes and favors 

Bringing out a legendary novel favors, similar to the story of Lea also Veronika car racing hobby. For, as Qbonk at this time does not escape from the misery Lea. In fact, can be spelled out when Qbonk beginning with sadnessand suffering. 
Initially, Lea is an art director in several companies and film production house in Indonesia. Because  that hobby demon on the road, can not be denied sinister, in May 2002, an accident on the road. 
As a result, the Lea is seriously injured. Even have paralyzed for several months. Of course, this makes Lea shock. Drastic changes in living Lea started happening. From an art director who always mobile, to be a very static in bed. Even sleep

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