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Question by HisLady: Is she making a mistake?
A close family member is engaged to a man who is in the beginning stags of joining the Pagan Motorcycle Club/Gang. I know only minimal details about this and the research that I’ve done online is starting to scare me. Does anyone know anything about this group? I’ve heard stories that once you’re in you can’t get out, that everything you own is also owned by the group, that they prostitute their women for money…and I don’t know what is legit and what is not. What are their “initiation” requirements, rules, regulations…any information would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Jan
That is a tough one to answer. Each group is different and has their own set of rules. Depends how hard core that particular group is.
I’ve known quite a few Pagans,even dated one or two back in the 80’s. I’m sure things have changed drastically since then.
As far as the women go,as long as you are someones “old lady” you are respected in the group. They are very possesive of their women,sometimes too much so. There are also women that are in the group that don’t “belong” to anyone. Those are the women they may be referring to that are pimped out for money,although I have never seen anything like that happening myself.
If you are a member,you must be loyal to the group. Most times that means you are in for life.
Again,it is hard to answer not knowing what area you are from and what the local group is like. Drugs are a big part of some groups,especially in the bigger cities.
Of all the Pagan members I have known in the past,I would say 80% are good people. The other 20% I wouldn’t want to cross or turn my back on. Most of the ones I knew would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it.
My information is from my past experiences. My wild days ended a long time
I have never known of possessions belonging to the entire group.
It is a different type of life,your fellow members are your brothers and when they need you,you go. That means that family sometimes suffers because of the club.
It is like any other group out there. There are good people and bad people.
You are right to be concerned about your family member. But she is the one that has to know what she is getting into. If it is a very close knit group,her life will revolve around them.
Like I said,my experiences are over 20 years old. Things are probably quite different today.

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