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have their own authors and readers, audience can go hand in hand, to develop their own. 
Its characteristics are: 
A picture of “concrete” and “abstract” no matter what form of two forms of self-expression of ideas is the ultimate goal. Screen all the photographers to express themselves only a “carrier” only. 
2 features full use of the lens perspective, the Pi Sheti from reality “stripped” out, “moved” to the screen up, – the use of certain optical properties of the lens, the objective to transform objects, making ideas “materialized body”, thus creating a screen to form their own “world.” This world is often absurd, mysterious, or is 100 not comprehend the. 
3 means the use of clear and strong close-up to strengthen and highlight the performance of a detailed form of objects. 
4 used darkroom techniques to enrich the picture in its original shadow tone simplification, the natural, ordinary relationship into a strong visual relationship. 
5 Using the exposure means (such as multiple exposure, continuous flash), so that Pi Sheti separated from the concept of time, and dynamically position the concept of time and space to be swapped. 
In addition to its well-known photographer Ott, Sitanneite, there are Jieshimoer, Xiaofanoukan,

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