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MA Instructor Jessie Lee. This was an opportunity for students to learn a little more about those two topics slightly outside of the scope of their programme syllabus.

Day 3 was all about formulating an action plan that will work to give effective results. During this lesson, Joey explained to students the importance of knowing and understanding one’s own personal limitations before being able to break through those barriers, either through the use of Feng Shui, or through other methods. This was also the time when she described the everyday use of Face Reading and Date Selection, and students were glad to know of the practical applicability of both those subjects – and many who had assumed that these subjects had to practical relevance to modern life were happily corrected.

Day 4, once again, was helmed by Chi Tim, and this session was about putting plans to action. Students were made to work on real-life case studies to put their newly-learned skills to the test. Students were made to already start applying Feng Shui for their own individual homes by putting to work an action plan to determine changes and improvements that can be made. This was indeed a truly enlightening yet fun session, as many students enjoyed referring to each other for help and feedback.

The final day, Day 5, was also taught by Chi Tim, and it was a good and relaxed ending to the course. Students were invited to bring family and friends to the session, and the class was infused with a comfortable and friendly atmosphere as students discussed their various thoughts and experiences, while discussing with Chi Tim further on any particular challenges or issues that arose over the course of their 5 days of study. It is

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