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tarot tower
by wallyg

Interpreting Tarot Cards

Interpreting the Tarot cards is an attempt to acquire knowledge of the past, present or future through insight and intuition. Being able to read the patterns from the card images is the key to revealing what is happening beneath the surface and what is likely to result from this.

Because of the complexity of the Tarot cards, card readings should not be hurried. It is important for the reader and the querent (person asking the question) that they feel comfortable with each other. If the querent is sceptical, it will show in their voice and in their non-verbal cues. It is difficult for both parties to relax under these circumstances; the querent may be putting up an invisible wall around themselves which makes it hard for the reader to pick up on the correct cues. The reading may reflect this by showing a lot of negative cards or by not showing anything much at all and this will then reinforce the sceptical view point of the querent. On the other hand, the reader also needs to be aware that the querent may be nervous or anxious and they should do all they can to set the person at ease.

The complexity of the Tarot Cards although on the surface you may see an image which represents something familiar like the 6 of Swords – the person ferrying people over water – this seems fairly straightforward and would indicate that a journey will take place, possibly over water. On further investigation you may find that the journey may not be a physical one, it may be a spiritual journey that needs to be undertaken, or then again it could mean that you will be leaving difficulties behind or solving a problem.

‘The Empress’ card is another example of how involved readings can be as there are many ways to

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Lotus Tarot card readings can show you a fresh perspective on your life.
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